2 min read

She who sends the invite first, decides the meeting platform

By Sean Lessman on Jun 9, 2022 2:37:00 PM

While recently catching up with some old friends at Poly(com) over email and we decided to get together on video. Poly has partnerships with many of the different cloud meeting services, so a meeting with a Poly person could mean meeting on any one of the major platforms today. 

Topics: Synergy JOIN Remote Work
5 min read

Putting the ‘human’ into virtual meetings

By Vemun Waksvik on Jul 9, 2021 2:36:00 PM

From Beijing to Boston and everywhere in between, events and meetings are being cancelled. Starbucks has cancelled the company’s annual shareholder meeting and is holding a virtual meeting instead. TED’s conference in Canada is not going ahead, postponed along with hundreds of other trade shows.

Topics: Collaboration Video Conferencing Synergy JOIN
4 min read

Bring Cisco WebEx Room Series into Microsoft Teams or Zoom Meetings

By Vemun Waksvik on Nov 11, 2020 12:55:00 PM

Learn how to easily connect your Cisco or Poly video conferencing endpoints into a Microsoft Teams, Skype, or any other VMR meeting with one click, while scheduling natively in Outlook or Google Calendar.

Topics: Video Conferencing Synergy JOIN
4 min read

New Launch: Synergy of Things - Make ALL meetings efficient meetings

By Vemun Waksvik on Nov 12, 2019 12:27:54 PM

The Synergy of Things is our latest software solution that extracts data from meeting room sensors, attendee behavior, and calendar data to make all meetings more efficient.

Introducing Synergy of Things
We are leading the way in making all meetings more efficient to save time, space, and money.

Topics: Collaboration Video Conferencing Synergy JOIN Synergy ANALYZE News & Press
2 min read

It takes five or ten minutes just to get connected - Tim Cook, Apple

By Vemun Waksvik on Jun 3, 2019 10:41:00 AM

"It's an incredible loss of productivity" he continued to mention during his keynote at Cisco Live. Tim was talking about the time wasted to just get a virtual meeting started.

Topics: Collaboration Video Conferencing Synergy JOIN
3 min read

2 major pains with video conferencing and how to eliminate them

By Vemun Waksvik on Nov 2, 2018 5:09:29 PM

Time is your and your organization’s most valuable asset. Make sure you don’t waste it on mundane routines such as planning and starting/joining video meetings.

Topics: Video Conferencing Synergy JOIN
2 min read

Your plans for 2018 are...?

By Vemun Waksvik on Feb 2, 2018 3:55:30 PM

Do something memorable or spectacular enough to influence the course of your life in a good way! 

Topics: Collaboration Video Conferencing Synergy JOIN StarLeaf Partners Pexip Videonor

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