Synergy CONNECT is a video conferencing interoperability gateway that connects SIP and WebRTC/HTML protocols together, allowing users to join web browser-based meetings from SIP devices. This interoperability is achieved through adherence to industry standards:

•    SIP: An open standard ratified by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), ensuring compatibility with various SIP-based video conferencing systems.

•    WebRTC: An open standard supported by Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla, enabling seamless web browser-based meeting participation.

Supported and Certified Interoperability

Synergy CONNECT's interoperability is not only based on open standards but also certified and awarded. This means it has undergone rigorous testing and verification by industry bodies, guaranteeing its reliability and compatibility with various video conferencing platforms. Synergy SKY is also ISO 27001 certified, read more.

Beyond Interoperability: End-to-End Integration

Synergy SKY goes beyond basic interoperability by offering native calendar integrations with Microsoft and Google calendars. This ensures a consistent user experience for scheduling and joining video meetings, regardless of the chosen platform.

Video Conference Device Integration

Synergy SKY is the only interop provider certified for integrating with Cisco video endpoints. This certification guarantees the "One Button to Push" (OBTP) functionality, ensuring a smooth and timely start to video meetings on Cisco devices. 

Technology and Business partnership

Synergy CONNECT can be purchased and billed in the leading SaaS storefronts, Microsoft Azure Marketplace and Cisco Webex App Hub.

As an ISV, Integrated Solution Vendor, partner, Microsoft has tested Synergy CONNECT to work seamlessly with Azure and also approved it to be sold in Azure Marketplace.

You can also source Synergy SKY products from our certified Gold and Authorized partners around the world. See list of partners here

Synergy SKY Tech Diagram Vertical-1

Diagram, above, showing how cloud meetings have 4 entry points: Web browser, PC client, Smart phone and PSTN. Synergy CONNECT is "using" the web interface of cloud meetings to connect SIP devices. A patented and standards-based method. 


Synergy CONNECT stands out as a video conferencing gateway that prioritizes industry standards and certifications. This focus on technical excellence ensures seamless interoperability, comprehensive calendar integration, and a smooth user experience across various video conferencing platforms and devices.         

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To learn more about CONNECT, click here


Vemun Waksvik

Written by Vemun Waksvik

Video Veteran

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