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Support > Release Notes > Management Suite

Synergy SKY Management Suite 


We are constantly working to improve your experience. Please keep an eye on this page for the latest information about new features, enhancements, and issues we have fixed.

To view a list of current known issues, visit our Service Status page.


We’re Listening

We appreciate your input on our products. Please let us know if you have any feature requests, recommendations on how to improve our support, or just want to share some ideas.  
For simple comments, send us your feedback by email.  
For submitting more complex feedback, create a ticket


Management Suite 31.16.7919

Release Date

July 17, 2024


  • New Webex Connection Type - Private manifest for Webex Fedramp.
  • Support for Closed Captions, through the new Call Control macro, for Cisco devices.
  • Dual screen macro handled from Suite configuration, for Cisco devices.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where Call Control macro did not work in combination with Join by ID calling.
  • Fixed issue with using proxy from the Suite config tool.
  • Fixed issue with URL defense and new type of MS Teams invitations.
  • Fixed issue with HDX connecting to the Suite EWS emulator.
  • Fixed an issue with Microsoft Graph API and meeting organizers set to “null”.

Other Changes

  • Deprecation of Teams CDRs as source of information to Insight reports.
  • Deprecation of database API for third party visualization applications.


Management Suite 31.15.7580

Release Date

June 12, 2024


EULA Change

As part of our commitment to transparency and providing you with the best possible service, we have revised our EULA to reflect the latest legal requirements and updates to our services. These changes are designed to better protect your rights and clarify your obligations when using our software.

Key Changes Include:

Provisions for new features and services we have recently introduced. This includes improved clarity on usage rights, restrictions, and responsibilities pertaining to concurrent usage. Specifically, section 11 has been added to address new product concurrency capabilities.

You can review the updated EULA in full at   We encourage you to read the document thoroughly to understand how these changes may affect you.


Bug Fixes

  • CMS unable to provision due to max character limit of 100

  • Google Calendar error when editing recurring meetings

  • Google calendar "sequence contains more than one element"

  • CONTROL not showing people count for all configured rooms

  • Issue with syncing batches for Join-By-ID resource mailbox

  • Join-By-ID Macro text changed from 16 - 12 for MS Teams meetings

  • Meeting Details report not found in Insight



  • Mimecast matching

  • Macro distribution more robust



Management Suite 31.13.7250

Release Date

May 2, 2024



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue in Meeting Report Overview where unclassified meetings were causing display issues.
  • Fixed issue where character limits were blocking some configurations from being deployed.
  • Better Mimecast support for Google meetings.




Management Suite 31.12.7081

Release Date

March 11, 2024


  • New and improved meeting control for web meetings on Cisco Touch Control for all Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Google meetings. With this release you get an even better experience parity with web clients. This tight integration enables Cisco rooms to have client control of the web meeting, and improved on-screen experience on how you see Participant list and Chat.
  • Join by ID. Feature configuration and macro management for this feature is now fully administrated through Suite
  • New search functionality in CONTROL that allows the admin user to automatically expand all meetings that are returned from the search.
  • Amazon Chime support. Receive Chime invitations and connect with one click. Synergy Suite now supports more meetings than any other.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed stability issues for the Lobby Auto Admit feature.
  • Fixed ‘add organizer to subject’ functionality for Webex registered devices.
  • Fixed issue where Connect calls where deprovisioned at end of buffer time.
  • Fixed issues causing calendars to be stuck in doing full synchronization.
  • Fixed an issue where meeting information was not found in the header object of Exchange.
  • Fixed an issue with matching on MS Teams meeting protected by URL defense.
  • Fixed an issue with concurrency handling in the event receiver module.



Management Suite 31.10.6698

Release Date

January 9, 2024


  • Lobby Auto Admit - A safe and secure way to admit VTC rooms waiting in the lobby into the Teams meeting. More
  • CONNECT for Zoom enabled by default. With this release you can invite or forward any Zoom invitation to your SIP video device and connect to the meeting.  Try it today!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Synchronization of invites with multiple Secure URLs
  • Fixed: OBTP fails when uppercase letters in url  
  • Fixed: Some meetings not having a meeting type set
  • Fixed: Sanitise CMS profiles in config tool
  • Fixed issue with some Zoom URLs not matching, leading to Connect for Zoom calls not establishing
  • Fixed: One meeting with issues could stop multiple from being processed
  • Improvement: OBTP verify interval has been increased to lower network load 


Management Suite 31.08.6578


Release Date

November 27, 2023 


New Features

  • Connectivity Preference now split into "CONNECT Teams, CONNECT Google, CONNECT Zoom" separately

*Reach out to for additional information and initial setup


Top Resolved Issues

  • Fixed unhandled exception in calendar synchronization which caused OBTP failures
  • Fixed Zoom invites matching with no CRC information in invitation
  • SUITE will no longer attempt to provision CONNECT URIs for non CONNECT deployments
  • Preserve TMS function now correctly verifies OBTP at meeting start buffer
  • URI reservations are now correctly created when meeting was already matched
  • Insight Operations Dashboard no longer shows duplicate information
  • Insight fixed CONTROL dashboard missing meetings


Other Changes and Improvements

  • SUITE no longer pulls non video systems from Webex API
  • Connectivity preference "CVI" renamed to "CVI/CRC"
  • Matching engine for Teams meetings now correctly handles cross platform forwarding

Management Suite 31.07.6344


Release Date

September 29, 2023 


New Features

  • The Management Suite now supports CONNECT for Zoom* in addition to its existing support for Microsoft Teams and Google Meet
  • ‘Join with ID’* allows users to enter their CONNECT powered meetings from any video device using the native meeting ID provided in the original invite
  • Introducing Insight, Anaylze’s new and improved overview of your SynergySKY Management Suite
    • Operational Dashboards
      • Upcoming and Ongoing ‘Meeting information’ dashboards
      • Room and Video System ‘Health and Status’ dashboard

*Reach out to for additional information and initial setup


Top Resolved Issues

  • Resolved Issue: Duplicate URI provisioning with OneTimeVMRs
  • Resolved Issue: Grafana will no longer automatically check for updates
  • Resolved Issue: CONNECT Zoom not being preferred over CRC for OBTP if configured as top preference
  • Resolved Issue: Macros pushed by Suite were using legacy parameter on newer cisco endpoint software versions
  • Resolved Issue: Calendar was not being updated with correct VMR URI after wipe-and-resync when using EWS


Other Changes and Improvements

  • Zoom matching rule improvements
  • Endpoints will be marked as offline if they do not report back during health check
  • Improvements to classification for meetings with multiple room participants
  • Config Tool: Room name is now editable
  • Improvements to Teams matching when using EWS


Management Suite 31.06.6232


Release Date

August 28, 2023 


New Features

  • The Management Suite now supports CONNECT for Google Meet in addition to its existing support for Microsoft Teams meetings, giving organizations greater flexibility and control over their video conferencing needs.


  • Added more granularity to proxy configuration.
    This gives admins full control over which API integration is to use a proxy.
  • Significantly optimized the synchronization of rooms with the latest graph API version.
    This leads to improved performance, resource efficiency, reliability, and compatibility, which ultimately enhances the user experience.
  • Enhanced validation makes it easier for admins to import video system configurations. 
    Less time needs to be spent troubleshooting import failures. The overall experience is improved with more detailed feedback on errors.
  • Improved the logic behind the display of appliances in the Synergy Config Tool.
    This results in a more consistent and accurate display of appliance information.
  • Optimized phonebook support for Cisco devices.
    Phonebook requests are now more reliable, improving the user experience.


Top Resolved Issues

  • The process of getting CONNECT URIs now has a better retry mechanism if initial attempts fail.
  • Out of memory exception when creating the log bundle no longer occurs.
  • The ability to specify an unbooking policy when editing individual rooms has been fixed.
  • OBTP is now guaranteed to be synchronized as soon as known video systems are powered on or re-introduced to their default network.
  • The meeting synchronizer now supports a new Microsoft Teams calendar invitation template.



Synergy SKY Management Suite 31.05.6074


Release Date

July 5, 2023 



This release offers significant improvements in the discovery, identification, and generation of meetings from Outlook, Google Calendar, and Office 365. Users can now seamlessly connect to video conference rooms with higher precision than ever before.



  • Enhanced Meeting Synchronizer:
    The meeting synchronizer, also known as the matching engine, has been improved to ensure better integration of meeting invitations, room resources, and participant information. It is now better capable of handling any inconsistencies or conflicts in meeting details, optimizing resource allocation, and minimizing disruptions during meeting setup and connection. These enhancements ensure a smoother and more consistent experience for all meeting participants, particularly in mixed environments where different types of devices or platforms are used to connect.

    For example, there are two rooms invited to a meeting and one has deleteComments set to true therefore removing the invitation body. Now with the improved meeting synchronizer, meeting details will be merged and handle multiple sources for the OBTP information resulting in both video systems receiving OBTP.

    If you wish for the system not to receive a button for particular meetings, you can utilize our OBTP exclusion policy found under Rooms and configure per room. To learn more about deleteComments please follow this link.


Top Resolved Issues

  • Webex API Validation:
    Updated the Synergy SKY configuration tool's Webex API validation to ensure compatibility and reliability with the new version from Cisco. *
  • Phonebook Address:
    The Synergy SKY configuration tool's phonebook now displays the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that has been configured.
  • Phonebook Looping:
    Resolved an issue where the phonebook would loop and duplicate on certain video endpoints, improving the effectiveness of meetings.
  • Email Sending Issue:
    Fixed a problem where the Synergy SKY Management Suite would not send an email containing Virtual Meeting Room (VMR) information if the user made a booking within the start buffer time frame. With this fix, the email is now sent regardless of the booking time, providing smooth virtual meetings.
  • CONTROL Reporting:
    Resolved an issue where endpoints were not reporting the number of participants in CONTROL, affecting the accurate monitoring of meeting participants. The reporting functionality has now been fixed, enabling better tracking.
  • Logging Improvements:
    Implemented logging improvements that provide detailed and useful information for troubleshooting and analysis purposes, enriching the ability to identify and address issues effectively.

    * Some organizations may need to remove and re-add the API to refresh their configurations and ensure compatibility and reliability with the new version of Cisco's Webex API. Click here for more information.



Synergy SKY Management Suite 31.04.5858


Release Date

April 20, 2023 



This release includes several new features, improvements, and issue resolutions that enhance Management Suite's speed, stability and usability. 


New Features

  • Improved calendar synchronization. This leads to a significant decrease in processing time for click-to-join buttons which now appear instantly in cases of ad-hoc booking and forwarding of ongoing meetings.
  • A new Operational Dashboard has been introduced, improving support visibility for IT admins and giving insight into calendars and video systems. Management Suite admins can find this dashboard here: Analyze -> Dashboards -> Ops Dashboards.
  • The user interface in CONTROL has been improved to show room names instead of room addresses. Room addresses can still be seen by hovering over the room name.
  • SHA256 checksums are now created during the build process for every upgrade package, for security verification of publicized Synergy SKY Management Suite upgrade packages. Checksums are available upon request.
  • Multi-language calendar invitations are now supported. Please refer to this page for a list of supported languages.


Top Resolved Issues

  • Fixed OBTP functionality when moving meetings more than 24 hours 
  • Fixed issue where the organizer is external to the company 
  • Fixed issue in config tool for the forwarding notification feature
  • Fixed issue for round-robin DNS look up 
  • Fixed issue where People & Actions Macro was activated on non-CONNECT calls 
  • Fixed issue where proxy would not respect username/password when configured via config tool 
  • Fixed config issue for Microsoft EWS integration 
  • Improved macro version check to avoid unnecessary macros restarting 
  • Fixed issue where RTMP links were not being dialed out to via Pexip MCU
  • Fixed issue in config tool. VMR resource account now correctly displays "Ok" when valid 
  • The People & Actions Macro now has proxy support 
  • Fixed issue where CONTROL loses track of the current call when a new incoming call is rejected 
  • Fixed issue where offline licenses prevent users from adding API integrations 
  • Fixed issue where config tool could not update appliance type for Suite clusters 
  • Added better support for Teams invites coming from Google
  • Fixed issue in config tool where "act of behalf" was not shown when editing API integration 
  • Fixed issue for certain Mimecast URLs 



Synergy SKY Management Suite 31.03.5287


Release Date

February 10, 2023 



This version of the Management Suite resolves many issues and optimizes several features to enhance the user and administrator experience.


Top Resolved Issues


 Issue Description


1523:  Fixed an issue with changes to recurring meetings related to EWS integration


1609: VMR Calendar resource no longer consumes a license


1634: Form validation improvements in the config tool related to capital letters in email addresses


1703: Grafana report improvements and fixes


1733: Removing a macro now also removes the UI extension


1753: Bulk actions limit increased for the configuration tool


1768: Touch panel video meeting bookings no longer removes the WebEx button





Synergy SKY Management Suite 31.01.4735


Release Date

December 8, 2022 



This version of the Management Suite introduces two new significant features and addresses a number of important fixes. This includes the improvement of meeting synchronization on updates and an issue with the PDF generator in ANALYZE.


New Features & Improvements

 Feature Name



Native Microsoft Teams experience offered to Cisco Touch 10, DX-series, and Desk Pro users

  • Participants list 

    • All participants, including SIP rooms, are visible. 

    • In addition to their name, there are visual cues on participants’ statuses. Users can now see whether a specific participant is muted, has raised hand, and is currently sharing a presentation. 

  • Meeting views/layouts 

    • It’s now possible to select the preferred Microsoft Teams view directly from the SIP endpoint. The three classic options are offered: Gallery, Large Gallery, and Together mode. 

  • Interactions 

    • Pin a participant in a Microsoft Teams Meeting (your view only) 

    • Fit to frame a specific participant (your view only) 

    • Raise/lower hand 



Hybrid Calendar coexistence support for rooms

Hybrid calendars from Cisco Webex can now coexist with the Management Suite. This allows users to book Microsoft Teams meetings and be called while using CONNECT. Information on how to configure endpoints with hybrid calendar co-exist mode can be found here.





 Issue Description


1748:  Improved meeting synchronization on updates


1548: Fixed issue in CONTROL where some meetings wrongly lasted for a very long time


1430 & 1496: Fixed issue with PDF generator in ANALYZE


1756: Suite 31.00.4388 - 2min delay in updating button on the codec for CONNECT URI


1694: Fixed log gathering from SSH/Console


1739: G-Suite Teams Meeting


1516: Fix for matching on certain Skype for Business meetings


1719: OBTP error whilst also successfully pushing





Synergy SKY Management Suite 31.00

Release Date

November 17, 2022 (version 31.00.4528)




 Issue Description


Generic query optimization for the database


1592: Fixed issue with older meetings re-appearing for processing


1702: Fixed an issue with processing some URL-safe links


1620: Fixed parsing issue with certain French calendar events in Google Calendar


 1700: Fixed parsing of CVI information that contains a prefix


Release Date

September 30, 2022 (version 31.00.4110)



In this version of the Synergy SKY Management Suite, we’ve added great new features including support for Keycloak, Early Auto-Dial meeting verification for VMRs, and additional functionality for Poly Group Series endpoints in CONTROL.


Please Read

  • For those that have implemented AD authentication for Control, please note that Keycloak will supersede this integration. You must turn off the current integration before upgrading and re-enabling the integration through Keycloak

  • Please ensure that you have migrated to Rocky Linux 8.6 as the native operating system for the platform before upgrading to this version of the Synergy SKY Management Suite. This guide is available.


New Features & Improvements

 Feature Name



Keycloak Support

Introduced Keycloak ( support for Synergy SKY Suite. This provides support for Multifactor Authentication, Single Sign-on and allows for differential access to specific Synergy SKY management suite modules.  


Early Auto-Dial Meeting

Room Check feature for Pexip Infinity and Cisco CMS that VMR Provisioning and pushes any buttons/connects all dial-out devices associated to the meeting automatically.


Poly Group Series Click Through support

In CONTROL, an Admin can now access the Group Series web control screen using a single button click.


Webex Dial-Out Macro

Cisco Webex device macro that enables an automatic dial out to any scheduled meeting. Including cancel and postpone functionality. Works in conjunction with Synergy SKY easy join functionality.





 Issue Description


1514 – Synergy CONNECT dial-out button from CONTROL interface


1698 – Improved upgrading/importing configuration mechanism


1602 - Video Systems are unable to have "Connect" be set as the Connectivity Preference in Configuration Module


1498 – Deprecation of the Use of Active Directory Authentication Libraries (ADAL). Using MSAL.




Synergy SKY Management Suite 30.06


Release Date

September 19, 2022 (version 30.06.4018)


Synergy SKY is proud to announce the latest version of its main flagship product. Synergy SKY Management Suite is an instrumental part of the Synergy CONNECT product and represents the self-hosted portion of the system. The latest version introduces Rocky Linux 8.6 as the native operating system for the platform as well as several improvements to the software.

Build 30.06.4018 is a minor release for the Synergy SKY Management Suite. This addresses an issue with meetings being sorted wrongly on Poly endpoints when using EWS Emulator. Changed Webex API scope to accommodate for deprecated API in Webex Control Hub.



 Issue Description


1663 – meetings being sorted wrongly on Poly endpoints when using EWS Emulator


1680 – Changed Webex API scope to accommodate for deprecated API in Webex Control Hub



Release Date

September 7, 2022 (version 30.06.3893)

Build 30.06.3893 is a minor release for the Synergy SKY Management Suite. This addresses an issue with FedRamp Webex where the initial token registration fails to authorize.



 Issue Description


1644 – FedRamp Webex initial token registration fails to authorize



Release Date

August 15, 2022 (version 30.06.3709)

Build 30.06.3709 is a Minor release for the Synergy SKY Management Suite.

The specific areas of improvement are as follows:



 Issue Description


1633 – Optimized the import of Webex devices 


1623 – Fixed "OBTP Policy" feature issue when second consecutive meeting is book on an endpoint


1519 – Further improvements with the on-screen display of meetings in CONTROL



Release Date

July 6, 2022 (version 30.06.3685)


Build 30.06.3685 is an urgent minor release for the Synergy SKY Management Suite. This remedies an issue with the Configuration tool’s “Bulk Action” feature. This is only noticed when no Rooms are present in the Configuration tool. Only affects prior 30.06.xxxx versions.


Release Date

July 5, 2022 (version 30.06.3671)

New Features & Improvements

 Feature Name



Rocky Linux 8.6 native install

Introduced Rocky Linux 8.6 as the native operating system for the Synergy SKY Management Suite server platform.


Webex Workspace Integration 

Introduced Webex Workspace Integration for registered endpoints




 Issue Description


1556 – Install Failure due to SSL Certificate handling issue


1519 – Delays with CONTROL meeting list update


1606 – OBTP Call type selection filter not working when consecutive meetings are added


1553 – Multiple endpoints connected to a single room


1533 – In-Room Booking Macro Management


1473 – Automated email notifications not triggering for Zoom/Webex


1587 – Webex API timeout for deployments above 1000 devices


1551 – Offline Licenses not populating Synergy CONNECT settings


1559 – Implemented better system log cleanup


1518 - Bulk Import Location Field



Important Note for Synergy JOIN and Synergy CONTROL Users:

End of Support for Windows-based JOIN 5.x (and earlier) applications.

As previously reported, on January 31st, 2022, Synergy SKY officially ended support for Microsoft Windows-based Synergy JOIN and Synergy CONTROL applications. Current licensed users can migrate to the Synergy SKY CONNECT to continue to enjoy the supported benefits of JOIN, CONTROL, and ANALYZE in one platform (cloud interoperability not included).  Users will be able to continue using Synergy JOIN and CONTROL, but some workflows may not work or have limited functionality for users running on these unsupported versions. For the best experience, we recommend upgrading to the latest Synergy SKY CONNECT.



Synergy SKY Management Suite 30.05


Release Date

June 8, 2022 (version 30.05.3562)



Synergy SKY is proud to announce the latest version of its main flagship product. Synergy SKY Management Suite 30.05 is an instrumental part of the Synergy CONNECT product and represents the self-hosted portion of the system. The latest version introduces the ability to upgrade the base operating system of the platform as well as several improvements to the software.



 Issue Description


1574 – Minecast URL rewrite handling for European customers


1591 – Improved corrupted calendar processing mechanism



Release Date

May 16, 2022 (version 30.05.3534)


New Features & Improvements


 Feature Name



Rocky Linux Support

Enable the product server build to be upgraded to Rocky Linux 8.5 from CentOS using the built-in SSL tool




 Issue Description


1510 – Regex Improvement to handle meetings booked using Outlook Plug-in and EMS booking Portal 


1522 – EWS API doesn’t match MS Teams meetings when CVI and/or invite headers are missing 


1529 – Software update download proxy issue 


1547 – Debug mode toggle issue 


1549 - Addressed issues with missed plug-in invite rewrites (manual updates) to recurring meetings 


1552 – Google Meet invites not matching 


1560 – Database Backup boots/reboots as inactive 



Known Issue: 

Configuration User Interface upon upgrade may become unresponsive. The interface will return once the upgrade is in progress. Refresh the screen after a couple of minutes and the user interface will return to normal.


Important Note for Synergy JOIN and Synergy CONTROL Users:

End of Support for Windows-based JOIN 5.x (and earlier) applications.

As previously reported, on January 31st, 2022, Synergy SKY officially ended support for Microsoft Windows-based Synergy JOIN and Synergy CONTROL applications. Current licensed users can migrate to the Synergy SKY CONNECT to continue to enjoy the supported benefits of JOIN, CONTROL, and ANALYZE in one platform.  Users will be able to continue using Synergy JOIN and CONTROL, but some workflows may not work or have limited functionality for users running on these unsupported versions. For the best experience, we recommend upgrading to the latest Synergy SKY CONNECT.



Synergy SKY Management Suite 30.04


Release Date

February 23, 2022 (version 30.04.3210)



Synergy SKY is proud to announce the latest version of its main flagship product. Synergy SKY Management Suite is now compatible with Synergy SKY CONNECT 1.0. This introduces features focused on the interoperability of SIP endpoints to Microsoft Teams via cloud-based service (configured separately).  This version introduces the on-premises workflow components needed to provide OBTP & Click to Join services for seamless connectivity to Microsoft Teams meetings using standard invites and default weblink. The following features and fixes have been added to the product. 

Your feedback is always appreciated at


New Features & Improvements


 Feature Name



Compatibility with Synergy SKY CONNECT 1.0

Introducing compatibility with Synergy CONNECT 1.0.  Provide the ability to handle Microsoft Teams meeting invite weblink and provide a SIP URI based button to supported endpoints.


Product Name Change

Renamed Synergy SKY Management Suite to Synergy SKY Connect – base features and functionality remain the same.


In-Room Booking

Book a meeting with your default collaboration platform from your Cisco Endpoint’s Touch 10 or Navigator Touch panel.  Feature no longer preview.


Cluster Deployment

Configure the on-prem portion of the Synergy SKY CONNECT platform to manage primary and secondary servers.




 Issue Description


1488 - Improved Microsoft Graph API handling to mitigate throttling


1494 – Support changes to Webex API in endpoint upgrade


1521 – Correct Proxy Settings path for Synergy Connect


1525 – Non-CVI MS Teams meetings misidentified as One-Time VMR Meetings


1511 – Rooms missing from ANALYZE Room Report




Release Date

February 7, 2022 (version 30.04.3037)


New Features & Improvements

 Feature Name



Compatibility with Synergy SKY CONNECT 1.0

Introducing preliminary compatibility with Synergy CONNECT 1.0.  Provide the ability to handle Microsoft Teams meeting invite weblink and provide a SIP URI based button to supported endpoints.




 Issue Description


1482 - Bulk Import Causes Duplicate Entries


1486 - Control and Analyze display gateway calls as 2 different calls


1425 - Endpoint Control disappears on meeting end time – meeting is still ongoing




Important Note for Synergy JOIN and Synergy CONTROL Users:

End of Support for Windows based JOIN 5.x (and earlier) applications

As previously reported, on January 31st, 2022, Synergy SKY has officially ended support for Microsoft Windows based Synergy JOIN and Synergy CONTROL applications. Current licensed users can migrate to the Synergy SKY CONNECT to continue to enjoy the supported benefits of JOIN, CONTROL and ANALYZE in one platform.  Users will be able to continue using Synergy JOIN and CONTROL, but some workflows may not work or have limited functionality for users running on these unsupported versions. For the best experience, we recommend upgrading to the latest Synergy SKY CONNECT.



Synergy SKY Management Suite 30.03

Release Date

January 13, 2022 (version 30.03.2936)



Synergy SKY is proud to announce the latest version of its main flagship product. Synergy SKY has once again pushed the envelope on simplifying the complex world of multivendor collaboration.  This time we’ve added key features to help customers get the most out of their current endpoint assets while enabling additional feature parity between all the major collaboration services on the market.  The following features and fixes have been added to the product. 

Your feedback is always appreciated at

Synergy SKY Management Suite 30.03 specifically addresses issues related to RoomOS for Webex Registered endpoints. Synergy SKY recommends that customers with Webex Registered endpoints upgrade at their earliest opportunity.


Resolved Issues
 Issue Description  Build

1494 – OBTP errors resolved for Cisco endpoints on RoomOS



Release Date

November 12, 2021 (version 30.03.2693)


New Features & Improvements
 Feature Name  Description  Build
Room Issue Notification Provide a warning email to the meeting organizer when the Synergy SKY Management Suite Identifies a meeting issue that may prevent the room/system you’ve booked to join the meeting. (ie. MS Teams with no URI) 2693
Cisco Endpoint Phone Books Push multitiered Phonebooks to Cisco endpoints handled by the Synergy SKY Management Suite 2693
Webex FedRAMP OBTP Are you using FedRAMP and need OBTP for all your meeting needs?  Synergy SKY Management Suite will now handle pushing to endpoints for use with all major collaboration services. 2693
In-room Booking (Preview) Book a meeting with your collaboration platform from your Cisco Endpoint’s Touch 10 or Navigator Touch panel.  We support all platforms that your Cisco device can connect to. 2693


 Issue Description  Build

1451 – Google Calendar Meeting Header Handling errors resolved


1447 - Meeting Matching errors for Google Calendar invites


1448 – Sensor room association issues in configuration tool resolved


1464 – Increased room limit for endpoints in Webex Control Hub Integration


1461 – Alignment option for time zone start time prior to sending meeting invite


1412 - Panopto/RTMP recordings not stopping when meeting ends


Important Note for Synergy JOIN and Synergy CONTROL Users:
End of Support for Windows-based JOIN 5.x (and earlier) applications

On January 31st, 2022, Synergy SKY will officially end support for Microsoft Windows based Synergy JOIN and Synergy CONTROL applications. Current licensed users can migrate to the Synergy SKY Management Suite to continue to enjoy the supported benefits of JOIN, CONTROL and ANALYZE in one platform.  Users will be able to continue using Synergy JOIN and CONTROL, but some workflows may not work or have limited functionality for users running on these unsupported versions. For the best experience, we recommend upgrading to the latest Synergy SKY Management Suite. 



Synergy SKY Management Suite 30.02


Release Date

October 6, 2021 (version 30.02.2459)



Synergy SKY has once again raised the functionality bar for organizations with a multivendor (“best of breed”) Collaboration strategy. The latest version of Synergy SKY Management Suite is now available.   This version enhances the platform’s white glove capabilities, regex rule engine and Webex connectivity for Cisco endpoints. 


As collaboration environments grow more complex, only the Synergy SKY Suite can simplify your deployment and provide a single point of access for universal single-click meeting connection (OBTP) for Cisco/Poly endpoints, on-prem video bridge control and meeting room usage analytics. All the functionality of our award-winning product line for BEFORE, DURING and AFTER meetings are now available in one bundle. Upgrade now to unlock the Power of the Synergy SKY Management Suite. 


Your feedback is always appreciated at


New Features & Bugfixes

 Improvement Name  Description  Build

Invite Parsing

Automatic handling of National Non-US Zoom invites


MS Teams Configuration

Improvements to event receiver mechanism for MS Teams upon system reconfiguration


Database Optimization

External database improvements for AWS implementations



 Issue Description  Build

Addressed consistency challenges with the “Meeting Organizer” report


Fix for registering Cisco HTTP feedback when deployed with a Proxy 2459
Fixed the calendar verification process for Webex registered endpoints 2459
Addressed Webex based actions not properly being logged 2459



Release Date

August 27, 2021 (version 30.02.2108)


 Improvement Name  Description  Build
Database performance Improved load handling on the internal database 2108
Resolved Issues
 Issue Description  Build
Fixed an issue with high CPU usage in large deployments 2108
Fixed an issue with matching rule for MS Teams in Header 2108
Fixed an issue with matching rules for Zoom, specific to meetings with passcodes 2108
Fixed an issue with matching rule for Google Meet 2108
Fixed an issue with Travel/ROI report in Analyze 2108
Fixed an issue with processing of video reports in Analyze 2108



Release Date

July 23, 2021 (version 30.02.1970)

Resolved Issues
 Issue Description  Build
Fixed an issue with OBTP and Cisco Endpoints running software version 10.5.x 1970
Fixed an issue with Join matching rules not being applied properly 1970
Fixed an issue with CSV importer for Rooms and Video Systems 1970



Release Date

July 16, 2021 (version 30.02.1941)

Resolved Issues
 Issue Description  Build
Fixed an issue where meeting duration was set to 0 for OBTP 1941


Release Date

July 5, 2021 (version 30.02.1930)

Resolved Issues
 Feature Name  Description  Build
Meeting Rule Automation Synergy SKY has simplified and automated the identification of the most common meeting invites.  Out of the box, the Synergy SKY Management Suite now provides the details for Webex, Microsoft Teams, Zoom and other boutique providers.     1930
Improved Endpoint Control
Give your administrators visibility and access to participants regardless of meeting type.  Endpoints registered to the Synergy SKY Management Suite can now be added/removed and muted/unmuted from Webex, Microsoft Teams, Zoom and other boutique providers.    1930
Cisco WebRTC Link OBTP Microsoft Teams invitations with WebRTC links (no SIP details) will now trigger OBTP on supported Cisco endpoints.    1930
Debug Log Bundle Fix Creating a debug log bundle would in certain cases cause the primary disk to fill up.  1930




Synergy SKY Management Suite 30.01


Initial Release Date

May 20, 2021 (version 30.01.1706)



Synergy SKY is pleased to announce the latest version of the Synergy SKY Management Suite. This marks the continued evolution of our industry-leading collaboration and facilities toolbox with impactful features designed to simplify complex multivendor environments.

As collaboration environments grow more complex, only the Synergy SKY Management Suite can simplify your deployment and provide a single point of access for universal single click meeting connection (OBTP) for Cisco/Poly endpoints, on-prem video bridge control and meeting room usage analytics. All the functionality of our award-winning product line for BEFORE, DURING and AFTER meetings are now available in one bundle. Upgrade now to unlock the Power of the Synergy SKY Management Suite.

Your feedback is always appreciated at


New Features

Feature Name Description Build
Newly expanded database flexibility allows for larger deployments to separate data storage from the application server.
Use the 3rd party database access to extend reporting capabilities to external analytics packages and report writing platforms (ie. Tableau/MS Power BI).
White glove access link to meetings in CONTROL
Allow administrators to harvest and access the conference coordinates of the meeting they are managing. A real timesaver when time is of the essence.
Warning for potential Endpoint problems related to upcoming meetings
Provides the administration with visual cues about endpoints not responding to the Synergy SKY Management Suite. Know about the issue before it becomes a problem and stay proactive.
Automatic backup with manual failover
Revamped dual server active/passive deployment model allowing administrators to activate and failover to a secondary standby server.
ANALYZE Dashboard
Simplified dashboard that identifies key performance indicators and how your collaboration platform is trending over time. Click-through to expose the detail or get a birds-eye view of usage patterns in your multivendor environment.
As part of the exclusive Cisco Webex Endpoint Certification program, made improvements to how the Synergy SKY Management Suite distributes OBTP information to a Cisco endpoint.
CDR data directly from endpoints
CDR can be collected directly from endpoints to mitigate the need for direct communication to on-prem MCUs and cloud-based services.
“Light Mode” for Reports
Reports are now available in light mode by default for all systems licensed through Cisco.



Release History

June 7, 2021

Version 1746

Resolved Issues

Issue Description Build
Fixed an issue causing high load on postgres DB with high amount of sensor data. 1746
Fixed delayed data in Analyze for rooms where calendar email is identical to endpoint URI. 1746




Synergy SKY Management Suite 30.00


Release Date

February 15, 2021 (version 30.00.1308)



Welcome to the Synergy SKY Management Suite! We’ve combined our three industry leading applications in to one product suite to begin video meetings quicker, control video meetings and to gain insight into how your video environment is behaving.  Optimize your meeting room availability by automatically debook meeting rooms that no one is using.  We rebuilt the product from the ground up to make it easier for you to get more from your video platform or collaboration service without the complexity of having to manage multiple applications.

Now more than ever, organizations need simplicity and clarity.  Only the Synergy SKY Management Suite can simplify streamline your deployment and provide a single point of access for universal single click meeting connection (OBTP) for Cisco/Poly endpoints, on-prem video bridge control and meeting room usage analytics.  All the functionality of our award-winning product line for BEFORE, DURING and AFTER meetings are now available in one bundle.  This includes meeting debooking policies and email notification templates for rooms using sensors or endpoints equipped with occupancy detection technology (like the Cisco room series).  Upgrade now to unlock the Power of the Synergy SKY Management Suite. 

Your feedback is always appreciated


New Features

 Feature Name  Description  Build
Simplified Configuration - Deploy the system in Azure, AWS, Google Cloud Platform, or on-prem. 
- The entire Synergy SKY product line (JOIN/CONTROL/ANALYZE) is offered in one bundle 
- Consolidated configuration for entire platform
Microsoft Teams Reports 

- Microsoft Teams information is now collected and integrated into the Synergy SKY Management Suite meeting and video reports 
- Compare different meeting types using customized reports


Learn more about how to configure it here.

Endpoint Tracking Native DHCP functionality allows prevents endpoints from missing OBTP information 1308
Foundation - This update moves the app to a new codebase that’s more stable and reliable 
- That new consolidated codebase means we can fix bugs quicker and release new features more often



Release Date

May 3, 2021

Version 1622

Resolved Issues
 Issue Description  Build
Fixed that the default MCU button would sometimes not show in the config tool 1622
Fixed that the "Discover nodes" would sometimes show on Pexip MCU in the config tool 1622
Fixed an issue with resolving Hangout Meet URIs 1622



Release Date

March 30, 2021 (version 30.00.1514)

Resolved Issues

Issue Description Build
Fixed functionality issues around the EWS emulator for Poly endpoints 1514



Release Date

March 25, 2021 (version 30.00.1479)

Resolved Issues

 Issue Description  Build
Fixed an issue with searching for video systems in the Config tool 1479



Release Date

March 24, 2021 (version 30.00.1470)

Resolved Issues

 Issue Description  Build
Fixed an issue with license handling in Analyze 1470



Release Date

March 16, 2021 (version 30.00.1440)

Resolved Issues

 Issue Description  Build
Fixed an issue where Control shows warnings on room systems 1440



Release Date

March 9, 2021 (version 30.00.1400)

New Features

 Feature Name  Description  Build
Cloud Support
Support for O365 GCC High, and other national O365 clouds is now available as a preview feature
NTLM Authentication for EWS
NTLM authentication for EWS on-premise deployment scenarios is now available as a preview feature



Improvement Name Description Build
Faster Data Processing Faster processing of historical meetings for analytics 1400


Resolved Issues

Issue Description Build
Fixed an issue with database backup 1400
A duplicate key issue within the analytical database 1400
An issue with the DHCP setting for video systems 1400
Meeting detail report: showing "null" values 1400



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Copyright © 2023 Synergy SKY 

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 

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