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SupportFAQs > No IP Error on New Deployment

No IP Error on New Deployment


After deploying a new image on a local Hyper-V or ESXi in an environment that is not running a DHCP server can result in "Did not find an IP address".

Synergy SKY Appliance


Setting an IP

To set an IP on your SUITE VM run the following command(s):

sudo su -


This will open a CLI UI of the Network Manager.


NetworkManager TUI


To navigate through this menu you will need to use arrow keys and to confirm selection use enter.

Select "Edit a connection"


NetworkManager TUI 2


You will see a list of available connections, in this case we have ESXi Ethernet connection. Select Edit to start setting the connector settings.

Next to IPv4 change from Automatic to Manual

NetworkManager TUI 3


Select show to expand the view:


NetworkManager TUI 4


Enter the network details this server is to use.

Once done, using the arrow keys to go to the bottom and select OK.


NetworkManager TUI 5


Now select Back


NetworkManager TUI 6


Then Quit


NetworkManager TUI 7


May require to restart the Network Manager or reboot the server.

To restart the Network Manager use the following command:

systemctl restart NetworkManager

To enter the SynergySKY Menu use the following command:


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