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Batch Import Meeting Rooms and Video Systems

Batch Import Meeting Rooms and Video Systems



The Synergy SKY software lets you batch import rooms and video systems from a comma-separated (CSV) file using the batch import functionality.


Important note: The import CSV file must be formatted in lowercase for this process. See HERE for help converting the file.



File to import

You will need to generate a comma-separated file containing the meeting rooms and video systems definition. This file has to be structured in a particular format as specified in the table below and in this template file.


File Field Definition

 Field Name  Description  Mandatory
TMSId If the video system is managed by Cisco TMS, you can add the TMS Id in this field No
ExchangeName The meeting room name (display name) from your calendar system Yes
ExchangeAlias The meeting room's email address Yes - MUST BE LOWERCASE
SystemIPAddress The IP address of the Cisco video system for establish connection for One Button to Push purposes Yes, for Cisco video systems
SystemUsername The admin user name of the Cisco video system Yes, for Cisco video systems
SystemPassword The admin password of the Cisco video system Yes, for Cisco video systems
SerialNumber The serial number of the video system. If not provided, Synergy SKY will populate this value in the configuration once it has connected to the endpoint. This field is only applicable for Cisco video systems No
DialOutURI The URI of the endpoint. This field is only applicable for on-premise MCUs and for video endpoints that should be dialed out to from the MCU Yes, for dial out video systems
Protocol Related to the DialOutURI, and dicates which protocol that the MCU should use when dialing out to the video system Yes, for dial out video systems
Location Related to the DialOutURI, and dicates which Pexip Infinity location that the Pexip Infinity MCU should use when dialing out to the video system Yes, for dial out video systems and if running Pexip Infinity MCU
https TRUE for https, FALSE for http Yes, for Cisco video systems

The type of the video system.

Cisco IX = 0,
Cisco C-Series (TC software) = 1,
Unknown = 2,
Polycom= 3,
Cisco C-Series (CE software) = 4,
Microsoft Teams Room = 5
obtp Whether the video system supports One Button To Push or not. TRUE for One Button To Push, FALSE for Dial-out video system Yes
polycom Whether the video system is a Polycom supporting their Click-to-Join feature  Yes
isRecordingResourcesAccount Whether this calendar resource will trigger the recording feature Yes
isOneTimeVMRresourcesAccount Whether this calendar resource will trigger One-Time-VMRs to be generated Yes
EWSEmulationPassword The password to be used by the Polycom endpoints for the EWS Emulation functionality Yes, for Polycom video systems utilizing the EWS emulation feature
isIVRresourcesAccount Whether this calendar resource should trigger the Skype IVR feature Yes
SoftwareType The software type of the video system. Synergy SKY will try to discover the software type automatically for Cisco video systems No
ExchangeTestedOK Set to FALSE Yes
lastConnectionState Leave empty No
ErrorMessageSentToAdmin Set to FALSE No
Leave empty No
Leave empty unless you you would like to utilize the VMR pool feature. No


Configuration Reference

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Go to CONFIG TOOL > Database

  2. In the Import Rooms and Video Systems section, click the Browse button to provide your CSV file


  3. The Test connectivity switch will verify the connectivity towards the calendar system and video systems

  4. The Overwrite configuration switch will delete the already configured meeting rooms and video systems and replace them with the ones defined in your CSV file. If you choose NO, the meeting rooms and video systems defined in your CSV file will be appended to the already existing meeting rooms and video systems.

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